Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 83

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 83

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 83

Bakhtin's polyphonic components in the novel" Deraznaye shab "by Jamal Mirsadeghi

Zohreh Dastpak , Saeid Hamidian (Author in Charge), Farhad Tahmasabi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the tools of effective reading of literary texts in order to analyze the hidden parts and discover the underlying layers of the text is to use new approaches of literary criticism. The views and opinions of Mikhail Bakhtin, the Russian theorist, are one of these approaches that largely originate from the sociology of literature. From Bakhtin"s point of view, some novels have polyphonic capacity. Such novels have a democratic space to reflect suppressed voices or even voices that conflict with the author"s ideology, which are heard parallel to the author"s voice in the story. Multi-voice allows the audience to listen to different aspects of characters, ideologies, cultures, and in other words, the voice of the times, in addition to the storyline. The purpose of this article is to analyze polyphonic elements in the novel Deraznaye Shab by Jamal Mirsadeghi based on components such as type, hybrid speech and active and passive two-tone.

METHODOLOGY: This research was done in a descriptive-analytical way using library studies.

FINDINGS: By examining the mentioned novel, it was found that Mirsadeghi has used almost all polyphonic components by creating the characters of his story. By using different and contradictory voices, he provides a platform for the characters to express their opinions in a fair atmosphere.

CONCLUSION: The results of this research indicate that in this novel, using polyphonic components, especially antithesis and hybrid speech, we witness a forced encounter between tradition and modernity. The author depicts the confusion of the lost generation at this time through the contrasting expressions and speech. A generation that, on the one hand, has been transformed in the traditional teachings of the family and dominant culture, and on the other hand, is facing a different and glamorous world and the so-called "modernity". The result of this collision is the perfection of the first character of the novel, who steps towards the future with an active and independent discourse.

Bakhtin , polyphonic , Jamal Mirsadeghi , Deraznaye Shab , tradition , modernity.

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